Sri Lanka is an island of Indian ocean, located in southern tip of India. It measures 65,610 square kilometers (40,768 square miles), with 1,340 kilometers (832 miles) of coastline. In Sri Lanka, there are lot of natural resources therefore many tourists came here to spend their holiday.
Most of country in the world, Sri Lanka known as by their tea and gems. Throughout the history of Sri Lanka, this country known as “Ratna - Dweepa” this Sinhala name connotes the meaning “The Island of Gemstone”. Local and foreign chronicles and ancient reports attest to this name (Land od gemstone).
Today Sri Lankan gems are most popular goods among the Tourists. Tourists who visit to Sri Lanka they are willing to buy Sri Lankan gems and jewelers. They are preference to Sri Lankan gems.
In Sri Lanka, there are 200 minerals have been classified as gemstone. Their beauty, durability, rarity and combination of these attributes which should be fulfilled make a mineral worthy of being classified as a gemstone.
The main gemstone species found in Sri Lanka are Blue Sapphire, Ruby, Padparadscha, Yellow Sapphire, Asteriated Sapphires (Star Sapphires), Alexandrite, Spinel, Tourmaline, Beryl, Quartz, Moonstone etc.